Tuesday 26 September 2017


My Speech

I bet you like bees, but you’re scared of them stinging you. Did you know that no bees, and when I say no bees I mean absolutely no bees, would mean the end of world? And I know, it  sounds intense but it’s true. No bees equals no us! Did you know we would only survive 3 years without bees?                              
Well to help bees we need to feed them, bees eat bee balm, snapdragons, foxglove and hosta in the summer. Bees like to hang around some certain plants, such as black eyed, lavender, marjoram, stonecrop and goldenrod only to name a few. Bees favourite flowers to hang around is lavender and marjoram.  Now you know how to make a bee friendly garden.

Last week we were running around our garden and all of a sudden a bee came out of nowhere, and everyone ran off not because my brother was chasing them but because the bee was cashing them across the lawn, While i’m just standing there watching them run across the lawn, hopelessly waiting for the bee to stop chasing them. Eventually when my sister was to tired to run anymore, she stopped and then the bee flew around her for a while but then the bee flew away. So that goes to show if you bother the bee the bee will bother you.
Well bet you didn’t think this most of our food will be gone. For example almonds. All almonds won’t exist. California produces around about 2.1 billion pounds of almonds every year. This supplies 80% of the global demand for almonds. Almonds depend entirely on bees to pollinate the almond trees, it's that simple no bees no almonds. There are other foods like chocolate, coffee and apples.

What is killing bees? I’ll tell you it’s pollution, such as harmful gasses, dust and smoke which enters into the air. This air pollution is killing bees. Bees don’t see very well, and depend a great deal on their sense of smell to lead them flowers bursting with pollen. According to research bees are finding it intensely difficult to locate flowers due to high levels of air pollution that interferes with the flowers scent.

Well now you know how to take care of bees and what will happen without them. So remember we must remember to take care of these little creatures and that they are a giant part of the ecosystem. So now will you be scared if you hear a bee buzz by?

By Dylan

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